
有两种类型的试用期: 学术 and Progress.




  1. 你已经尝试了至少12个学期的大学课程单元;
  2. 而且,你的累积平均绩点低于2分.0

注册 留校察看等级1:

  1. 完成 学业成功-试用期1在线模块.
  2. If you have not created an account for your Online 取向, you will need to create 登入新帐户(这与您的在线定位相同)
  3. 登录并选择 学术成功试用期1在线模块
  4. 完整完成在线模块并打印出你的 竣工证书 作为你的记录

您的持有将在2-3个工作日内释放. 请注意, you do not need to turn in the certificate and make sure that your W# is correct when signing up for the 学术成功试用期1在线模块, an incorrect W# 会导致您的舱位延迟释放吗.

任何问题请联系Christina Jethi,顾问助理II,在 cjethi@classactbusiness.net.



  1. 你目前处于1级留校察看状态;
  2. 而且,你的累计平均绩点低于2分.下面的0

注册 在二级留校察看期间, 安排约会 马上去见辅导员. 请注意,预约很快就满了 请尽快安排预约.




  1. 2级留校察看;
  2. 而且,你的累积平均绩点低于2分.下个学期0分.


  1. 学生被开除 第一次 休学一学期后可以申请重新入学吗.
  2. 学生被开除 第二次 失学5年后可以申请重新入学吗. 

*** 夏季课程 not 在确定学术地位时,算作一个学期.


  1. 强烈建议去看心理咨询师; If you have an 留校察看 2 hold, 请确保先完成学术试用2流程.
  2. 必须完成 申请从开除状态入学表格 并提交招生和记录;
  3. 而且, 重新申请入学,如适用.

回顾我们的 基于学术地位的再入学政策




  1. 你已经尝试了至少12个学期的大学课程单元;
  2. 而且, 50% or more of the cumulative units attempted resulted in Poor Progress Grades (W, NC,或I)

注册 在进展见习等级1时:

  • 建议你去看心理咨询师.



  1. 你目前处于进步试用期1级;
  2. 而且, you do not reduce your percentage of cumulative poor progress units to below 下个学期50%.

注册 进度试用期等级2:

  • 咨询咨询师.



  1. 你处于进步试用期级别2;
  2. 而且, you continue to have 50% or more cumulative units made up of Poor Progress grades (W, NC或I)在下个学期.


  1. 学生被开除 第一次 休学一学期后可以申请重新入学吗.
  2. 学生被开除 第二次 失学5年后可以申请重新入学吗. 

*** 夏季课程 not 在确定学术地位时,算作一个学期.


  1. 强烈建议去看心理咨询师;
  2. ,完成 申请从开除状态入学表格 并提交招生和记录;
  3. 而且, 重新申请入学.

回顾我们的 基于学业进步的再入学政策


通知总是通过常规邮件发送给学生.  学生们强烈地 encouraged to check their academic status at the end of every 学期 in order to 验证他们的性能水平.


You are encouraged to speak to a Counselor in order to determine unit recommendations 以及如何弥补你的不足.

Your cumulative GPA is the total average of your grades for all classes attempted 在“.  你的累积总数可以上升或下降,这取决于你在每项工作中的表现 学期.

辅导员可以在很多方面帮助你!  辅导员可以帮助你:创建一个 student educational plan, provide information about majors, transfer planning, referral to campus/community resources, personal 咨询, discuss how to develop better 学习技巧和习惯,以及职业咨询.  尽早预约!

You will return to good academic standing when you raise your cumulative GPA to at 至少一个2.0并完成50%的尝试单元.

Although you have done better academically during your most recent 学期 it may 不足以让你的累积绩点达到2分.00.  你会自动 一旦你在学校表现良好就可以取消试用期.  一个字母 你的学业成绩会收到通知吗.

I haven't been enrolled 在“ for a long time, why 我收到缓刑通知书了吗?
All previous 学期s of enrollment are part of your permanent 记录 在“. Past 学期s and new 学期s will reveal an accurate history of your cumulative 记录. Your past academic history may have an effect on current probationary status.

If you registered for classes and failed to officially withdraw, your instructor(s) 可能帮你交了不及格的成绩.  这是你正式的责任 withdraw from classes by completing a drop form and submitting it to the admissions 在交钱截止日期前送去录音室.

For personal reasons I could not finish the 学期 and turned in a drop form, why 我收到缓刑通知书了吗?
The computer generated program has no way of determining why a student withdraws from 他们的类(es).  虽然你可能已经正式退课了 good reasons, submitting a drop form after the "W" notation deadline will result in “W”级. 未能完成本学期总单元数的50%将被取消 正在试用中. 退课截止日期在课程表上公布 每学期.

I am only taking classes for credit and/or personal interest and am not pursuing a 学位或证书.  能把我从你的名单上划掉吗?
Unfortunately our computer generated program has no way of determining a student's 个人的追求. 当学生进入见习期时,我们必须通知他们 类别. 我们会给所有试用期的人发一封信.

Schedule an appointment with a counselor to discuss personal challenges or to discuss school, work conflicts, 课程 selection, a change in family needs, educational goals, 或者你对学业进展的任何担忧. 服务已到位 帮助你成功. 你也可以去健康中心进行个人/心理健康检查 咨询.

At this point it is vital that you 安排约会 to meet with a counselor. Failure to complete your second 学期 of probation in good standing may result 被学院开除.

助学金学生必须遵循 满意的学业进步标准 由财政援助办公室设立.  这些标准是不同的 学院对所有学生的学术标准. 你应该检查一下你的经济援助 与财政援助办公室的资格.

学生可以重修获得D或F的课程.  通过重复一门课程 对于不合格的分数,它将减轻你收到的初始分数.  它是 recommended to speak to a counselor to determine whether a class is worth repeating.  There might be a way to alleviate a substandard grade without having to repeat the 课程. 向你的辅导员咨询学业续期的事情.

学生 can request an academic renewal for substandard grades (D, F) received. The substandard grade(s) may be disregarded in the computation of a student's GPA if the work was not reflective of the student's present scholastic level of performance. 详情请咨询顾问.


  • You may be unable to register for classes until a student success contract is signed 由学生和辅导员
  • 财政援助可能会被暂停.
  • 为提高GPA而补课的费用
  • 毕业和转学延迟或并发症



学生 who have been dismissed from Chabot 或拉斯波西塔斯学院 may apply for 一学期不出勤后重新入学. 这样申请的学生可以被重新录取 upon the approval of the Vice President of 学生服务 或被任命者 of Chabot 或拉斯波西塔斯学院. 被Chabot或Las Positas学校开除后重新入学的学生 College may be subject to regulation of their classes and number of units attempted. 学生 readmitted who are subsequently dismissed a 第二次 shall be dismissed from the College and will not be eligible for readmission until after five (5) years 没有出席的. In extreme cases in which dismissal resulted from extenuating 情况下, students ineligible for admission under the above regulations may appeal to the Vice President of 学生服务 或被任命者 for special consideration and may be readmitted 在他们的请愿得到批准后. 这种情有可原的情况应当是严重的情况 medical, family, or other personal problems which rendered normal academic functioning 不可能或不可能. 学生服务副主席,经批准 of the President 或被任命者, may reduce or eliminate the waiting period described 在情有可原的情况下. 任何通过这种方式被录取的学生必须 submit to a controlled academic 在辅导员的直接监督下进行项目.

(Cited from Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Administrative Rules and 政策,C部分. 学术标准、政策编号. 5215:基于重新入学的政策 有关学术地位)


学生 who have been dismissed from Chabot 或拉斯波西塔斯学院 because of unacceptable 进步者可以在一个学期不出勤后申请重新入学. 学生 so applying may be readmitted upon the approval of the Vice President of 学生服务 或被任命者. 重新入学的学生,累计进步率低于 fifty percent (50%) after completion of the 学期 immediately following readmission 应给予进步试用期. 如果再过一个学期他们的成绩还是很差 cumulative progress, then they shall be dismissed and shall not be eligible for readmission 直到五(5)年不出勤. 学生服务副主席 或被任命者 may reduce or eliminate the waiting period described above due to extenuating 情况下. 任何通过这种方法录取的学生都必须提交一份受控学术报告 在辅导员的直接监督下进行项目.

(Cited from Chabot-Las Positas Community College District Administrative Rules and 政策,C部分. 学术标准、政策编号. 5223:基于重新入学的政策 韦德1946学业进展)